HDgraphiX - Vahidi Lab


File Upload:

Type of Experiment:

Type of Plot:

Store Values:

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Download settings .csv file:
Upload settings .csv:
Use Uploaded Settings:

Font Choices:

Choose Bounds/Colours Input Type:

The data range will be determined by the maximum absolute value in the provided data, with 7 shades of colours.

Click Here for Advanced Options

Select boxes next to desired Advanced Options

**How to use Change Bounds**

Change Bounds:

Global Maximum:

**How to use the Drop Times Option**

Drop Times:

**How to use the Drop Peptides Option**

Drop Peptides:
Protein Name: ............... Start Residue: ............... End Residue:

**How to use the Drop Proteins Option**

Drop Proteins:

**How to use Renumbering**

Renumber Residues: Number of Proteins to Renumber:
Protein: ......................... Value:

**How to use Domain Labelling**

Labelling Domains:
Domain Name: .............. Start Peptide: ................ End Peptide: ................. Colour:

Colour Insignificant Values (Not White):

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Separate Heatmap Plots:

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All Time Labels in One Unit:

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Change Title Padding: Title: Subtitles:

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Change Titles: Plot Title:
Change Titles: X-Axis Title:
Change Titles: Y-Axis Title:

Change Default Colouring:

**More Info**
Change Neutral Cell Colour (White Cells):
Change Colour for Cells Lacking Data:
Please input colours as hexidecimal values beginning with a pound sign

Heatmap Cell Dividing Colour/Thickness: Colour: Thickness:

**More Info**

Change State Comparison Separating Line: Colour: Thickness:

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Change Heatmap Border: Colour: Thickness:

**More Info**

Change Heatmap Ticks: Tick Colour: Label Colour: Width: Length:

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Add Cell Values to Heatmap:
Set Heatmap Row Max Length:

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For Woods/Ladder Plots; Colour Gradient According to Heatmap:

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For Woods/Ladder Plots; Set Plot Dimensions (inches): Width: Height:
For Woods/Ladder Plots; Change Peptide Thickness: Colour Thickness: Border Thickness:

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For Woods/Ladder Plots; Set Colour Cutoff Value (Woods):

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For Woods/Ladder Plots; Set Colours (Woods): Negative: Near Zero: Positive:

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For Woods/Ladder Plots; Remove Horizontal Threshold Markers (Woods):

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For Woods/Ladder Plots; Change Y-Axis Determination (Woods):

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For Woods/Ladder Plots; Flip Y Axis (Ladder):

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For Volcano Plots; Set Alternate Point Colour:

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**More Info**

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Protein: ......................... Chain ID:

Input DPI for image:

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Generate PDF rather than PNG:

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Select if you wish to download PyMOL colouring scripts:

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Select if you wish to download ChimeraX colouring scripts:

**More Info**

See Advanced Options to specify structural chains to colour with these scripts

Please acknowledge Kent Vosper, Algirdas Velyvis, and Siavash Vahidi of the University of Guelph.
Please direct questions/input to kvosper@uoguelph.ca